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TedNPad : Bug (0 votes)

#19: Stay-on-Top is not remembered between sessions

Category: Main SubCategory: Config
Status: Fixed (2013-09-29 14:29:49) Priority: Next Release Difficulty: Easy Created: jsimlo
Version: 6.0.2.beta
Comment from jsimlo on Tue, Mar 26, 2013, 18:35 (comment id #33)
In the previous version of TED Notepad, it was possible to select "Stay on top", close the editor, then re-launch it, and it would remember to do just that. Current config however does not save this information correctly. Both "Windows Position" and "Windows Size" settings need to be turned on to remember the status of the Stay on Top, which is not expected. The "Windows Position" should be enough. Although, it might be better to move it to some completely different settings category. Note: Before version 6.0, it was saved along Options settings category.
Comment from jsimlo on Sun, Sep 29, 2013, 14:29 (comment id #180)
The "Stay on Top" option is now saved along with other common options in the "Basic Options" category. This behaviour is the same as it was before version 6.0.

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(c) 2013, Juraj Simlovic, Medvedik. All rights reserved.
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