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TedNPad : Bug (0 votes)

#65: Tabbing back with spaces instead Tabs

Category: Edit SubCategory: Indent
Status: Fixed (2021-09-18 16:12:48) Priority: Next Release Difficulty: Normal Created: jsimlo
Version: 6.0.2.beta
Comment from jsimlo on Sat, Aug 17, 2013, 11:06 (comment id #128)
I replace tabs with 4 spaces, which works great with TED, but when I hit Shift + Tab to back-indent, it only goes back 1 space not all 4.
Comment from jsimlo on Sat, Aug 17, 2013, 11:07 (comment id #129)
The Shift+Tab is supposed to invoke the unindent tool, which removes one indentation character from each line, no matter whether it is a Tab or Space. However, if you use it in dual with Tab to indent, then it does not remove the whole indentation step, and that seems odd. There needs to be a difference between the Shift+Tab and the Ctrl+Shift+Tab after all.

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