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TedNPad : Request (5 votes)

#87: Remember the last known selection position in each file

Category: File SubCategory: Position
Status: Open () Priority: Highly Desired Difficulty: Difficult Created: jsimlo
Comment from jsimlo on Fri, Sep 27, 2013, 17:58 (comment id #167)
The biggest problem obviously is the collection and storage of such information. One problem is that we would collect the last-known-position information about every single file ever opened. This somewhat sounds like spying on a user.. :) The other problem is that the data might grow over time and with people who edit lots of files, it may become a huge amount of information. Note: Several remote file managers (FTP, SCP) download files into temporary files for local editing. These files would become a one-time-only bloat. Maybe a limit of upto latest 100 files would be acceptable for both these issues. And perhaps set this option "off" by default.

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