General page

From TED Notepad
Revision as of 23:49, 4 October 2021 by Jsimlo (talk | contribs)
This section is up to date for TED Notepad version
Control page Control:dialog:Settings:General


The Exit by Esc key setting allows the Esc and Shift+Esc hotkeys to exit the application. Note that open dialogs are closed by Esc as well, and all dialogs are closed before the application itself is closed by Esc hotkey. This includes the Search bar.

The Ask upon such exit setting is available only if Exit by Esc key is turned on, and ensures that the user is asked about the closing before actually closing the application.

The Full path in Caption setting displays also full document path (including drive letter and directory path) and file name (including file extension) in the main window title and on the Taskbar icon. If turned off, only displays a file title, which usually does not include path and may also exclude file extension. Note: What components file title actually contains can be modified thru Windows Explorer Options dialog; e.g. by default, file extension is hidden on most Windows Installations, but can be turned on by advanced users.

The Check for updates setting enables automated weekly checks for new versions of TED Notepad. See AutoCheck for Updates for details.


The No ASCII in Status Bar setting disables panel of Status Bar where current character's code is displayed. See Status Bar for more details.

The No save through Status Bar setting disables invoking the Save command thru double-clicking on the respective panel of the Status Bar. By default, double-clicking on panel with unsaved modifications indicator conveniently invokes Save or Save As commands.


The Basic word definition (alphanums only) setting disables full unicode character recognition when determining words, and uses a bit simpler alphanum character class (letters, letters with diacritics and numbers) for word definition.

This word definition is used when working with words, e.g. in Select Word or Complete Word, but also in many tools.

The Include underscores in words setting adds underscore character to the word definition. Underscores (by default) are not part of words and are treated as word delimiters.

Note: Other characters, those that are not included within words are divided into two groups: white-spaces and word delimiters. All word-oriented features (e.g. Select Word) usually treat all white-spaces as one delimiting character. So, for example, Select Word selects either one word or all consecutive white-spaces or a single word delimiter otherwise.


The Date/time glue setting allows to set a joint string between the Date and Time parts. See Date/Time inserting commands.

.LOG feature

The Add date first, then time setting tells, whether to use Date/Time or Time/Date upon creating new log with the .LOG extension.

Recent Files

The Empty Recent Files menu setting button empties the list of the Recent Files.