Search page

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Revision as of 23:27, 4 October 2021 by Jsimlo (talk | contribs)
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Control page Control:dialog:Settings:Search

Search bar

The Suggest selection to the search bar tells, whether to use current selection (if any) upon invoking the Search bar. If turned on, whenever the Search bar is being opened, current selection is copied into its Find field. Note: Hotkey Ctrl+Z can be used to go back to the previously specified text for convenience.

Note: If Suggest selection to the search bar is turned off, previously specified text is kept within the Find field.

The Keep Escapes on if possible tells, whether the Escapes option should be kept on upon suggesting selection to the search bar, if they were on before. The Escapes option is turned on automatically when the selection contains characters which need escaping. And they are automatically turned off when the selection does not need escaping; unless this settings says to keep them on.

Note: Keeping the Escapes option on is safe even with selections that do not need escaping. However, one should remember turning Escapes on, since characters then need to be escaped, or the Escapes option must be turned off manually.

Also see below: Resetting the Escapes option upon opening the Search bar.

The Reset search bar options when opened specifies, which Search options are to be reset upon each new opening of the Search bar:

Note: Resetting the Escapes option is not carried out upon suggesting selection to the Search bar. The Escapes option is turned on or off automatically depending on whether the selection needs escaping.

The Auto-hide search bar after searching automatically hides the Search bar after searching, as soon as the focus is moved from the Search bar to the document text (e.g. by mouse).

Note: This automated hiding occurs only if the Search bar has actually been used for searching. Therefore, opening the Search bar but not performing a search, does not auto-hide anything.

The Only after successful match disables automated Search bar hiding after unsuccessful uses. Successful match must be made in order to hide the Search bar and clean the workspace. This is the usual user's expected of behaviour — search until found, only then close the Search bar and work with the occurrence.


The Disable multi-threading allows to disable multi-threading in search routines in case of troubleshooting. Note: This option should not be tampered with without full understading of mutli-threading and its impacts. Use only if instructed to do so by the authors of the software.

Note: Although (theoretically) disabling multi-threading may speed up search initialization, it does not affect the speed of actual searching, unless the underlying system is incapable of true multi-threading support. On the other hand, by disabling multi-threading, one completely looses the option to cancel any ongoing search. Even if an abort dialog is shown (which is rather unlikely, but this can change from version to version and system to system), it won't stop the ongoing search if multi-threading is disabled.

The No newlines decoding in "Could not find" message specifies, whether to naturally show multiple lines in a message upon no occurrences found, or prefer showing \n instead, as they appear in the Search dialog.