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TedNPad : Bug (0 votes)

#12: Composing characters with IME

Category: Edit SubCategory: System
Status: Fixed (2013-09-08 20:10:26) Priority: Highly Desired Difficulty: Normal Created: jsimlo
Version: 6.0.2.beta
Comment from jsimlo on Sun, Mar 24, 2013, 21:01 (comment id #21)
IME-related bug, which causes drawing problems upon using IME in the editbox. IME is used to insert complex characters, including Chinese and Korean. IME works and characters are being inserted correctly, however, the screen is not updated correctly and the IME displays at wrong positions. In result, it may look like characters are getting lost in the process.

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(c) 2013, Juraj Simlovic, Medvedik. All rights reserved.
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