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TedNPad : Bug (0 votes)

#14: Application window appears incorrectly behind Taskbar

Category: Main SubCategory: Position
Status: Fixed (2014-04-29 14:56:25) Priority: Next Release Difficulty: Normal Created: jsimlo
Version: 6.0.2.beta
Comment from jsimlo on Sun, Mar 24, 2013, 21:12 (comment id #25)
Report from a user: If you put Windows taskbar at the top of the screen and choose to save TED's window position, it appears incorrectly behind the Windows taskbar.
Comment from jsimlo on Sun, Mar 31, 2013, 00:03 (comment id #48)
Report from a user: I have the Windows 7 task bar positioned vertically on the left side of my screen, and when I open a file with TED Notepad the file is positioned against the left edge of the screen instead of the right edge of the task bar. The result is that the file is partially hidden behind the task bar.
Comment from jsimlo on Sun, Apr 27, 2014, 17:56 (comment id #321)
Combinations to test placement at startup: In config: None | Size only | Position only | Both (do all the valid combinations with those below) Saved in cofig: Normal size | Maximized | Fullscreen (de-maximize and de-fullscreen to check restored values) Shortcut: Normal | Minimized | Maximized (de-maximize and de-minimize to check restored values) Taskbar: Down | Top | Left (move the taskbar to check relativeness of values)

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(c) 2013, Juraj Simlovic, Medvedik. All rights reserved.
Developed with TED Notepad, free notepad replacement.