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TedNPad : Request (0 votes)

#54: MDI interface ad tabs

Category: Tabs SubCategory: Tabs
Status: Open () Priority: Someday? Difficulty: Complex Created: jsimlo
Comment from jsimlo on Wed, Apr 3, 2013, 16:35 (comment id #105)
This is most probably going to end up as separate clone of the application, if implemented, since the whole nature of the application design needs a rework. It could be a nice-to-have for many people. Long-term ratio 1:1 of people who vote for and against this feature. Must be implemented as a separate feature.
Comment from jsimlo on Wed, Apr 3, 2013, 16:36 (comment id #106)
Provide MDI interface, Tabbed interface, Milti-line-tabbed interface.

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