No, or at least not right now, though I've been asked to release it a few times already.
You see, the main idea of being open source is the advantage of sharing code and development with others. Which is very nice and productive indeed, if you want to use other people's code. Unfortunately, I don't, simply because I love to code things myself. I don't want to use other people's code in TED Notepad, I don't want to be tempted or distracted that way. I really love to code all those things myself. People sometimes argue that it is pointless to write what's been written before. But hey! Everything's been written before these days. And that's the way it is.
Btw, I do work on open source projects from time to time. I have coded for Wikipedia for example.
There is perhaps one other reason: One of the main reasons, why the size of the exe file is so small (despite the growing number of features coded in), is the fact that the entire code was economically designed and written by a single person, and with a very clear vision and direction with regards to how to do it without wasting too much space in the exe file. This, however, gradually led to some major drawbacks. The source code is less team-friendly and sometimes less comprehensible. Should an open team of more persons start to add to the code of the editor (and open source projects tend to get that way, don't they?), I'd start to fear the amount of unnecessary bugs would become soon quite unpleasant, simply because the code was not designed to be tampered with by anyone else but its author. From what I've learned so far, you can either have a quality open team project, but you may not use hacks and the exe size grows notably faster, or you can have a quality size-optimized project, but the code comprehensibility suffers from optimization hacks (inline assembly code, goto commands abuse, union structures abuse, macro expansion abuse, and other things I would not dare to use in any team project).
Finally, consider other open source projects and ask yourself honestly: aren't they a bit bloated?
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