Microsoft® acquires TED Notepad

small - quick - light - innovative - extensible - variable - free

By the end of March, Microsoft® Corporation and Juraj Simlovic, the original author of TED Notepad, are finally coming to an agreement of selling the entire project. Microsoft® plans to deploy a modified version in their Windows® Vista in the late summer, as an update of Vista Notepad.

Microsoft® will pay for the source files and the documentation $701.556, which is the current size of the source code (in bytes). The transaction will include an exclusive copyright licence. Juraj Simlovic will no longer hold the right to develop and further distribute the program or its portions. More...


With the text above directly on the main page, I tried to pull out a hoax on April 1, 2007.
How did it go?

  • I have managed to fool most of my friends from work and school; my favourite fan Mike; and also my self-assigned spokesman and propaganda manager Kew.. :))
  • I have received several messages with congrats and best wishes. Also several messages trying to dissuade me from it. Only one message seemed to be angry.
  • The word have spread through several on-line forums on the net and got to the wikipedia. Even an author of another text editor dropped me a message.
  • The visit count raised to 203% of Sundays' average.
  • The visit-to-download rate dropped from average 64% to 34%.

I appologize to all fooled ones. But, it was worth it, wasn't it? :))

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