Future of TED Notepad

small - quick - light - innovative - extensible - variable - free

The project is alive. Although there is less time for development nowadays, new versions are being pushed from time to time. While still in alpha testing, you can check here, what you can perhaps look forward to. Or you can sign up for the testers group, if you'd like a sneak peek, or become part of the testing and development clique. We don't bite.

Suggestions and Requests

If you would like to let me know about your favorite feature missing in TED Notepad, use this form below, or send me an e-mail directly. If you do so, please, also consider donating or otherwise supporting the project.

Note: I've been receiving a lot of messages lately. I try to address bug reports and user troubles as soon as possible, but it might take a while 'till I get to all feature requests and suggestions. But don't worry, I always read and consider them all.

E-mail: (e-mail needed only if you request a response)

Type the word trip into this field:
Thank you for your ideas and suggestions. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Development priorities

What priorities should the development of TED Notepad follow?
What shall be done sooner rather than later?
Language translations.28% 28%
More editing features and options.24% 24%
More tools, please.17% 17%
More settings about behavior and look.16% 16%
Installation and auto-replacement.9% 9%
Isn't it becomming a bit too voluminous?4% 4%
I think it is too heavy already. Stop!4% 4%

Poll started on Jun 9, 2006. The results are updated manually from time to time. Please, do not vote more than once for each option. Votes for multiple options are allowed, but multiple votes for one option will be ignored. Do not abuse — it takes time to resolve — time that I would like to spent otherwise.

Frequent wish-list

This list covers accepted frequent suggestions. Post your opinions about them, if you have some, to clear ideas out, get me more interested, or speed things up and set priorities.

Further wish-list

This list covers less frequent suggestions. Post your opinions about them, if you have some, to clear ideas out, get me more interested, or speed things up and set priorities.

This list often gets out of date, better not assume this is all there is..

On the fence wish-list

Would you like TED Notepad to have a Tabbed interface?
Yes! ASAP!60% 60%
No. Just keep it simple.40% 40%

Poll started on Mar 3, 2006. The results are updated manually from time to time. Please, do not vote more than once for each option. Votes for multiple options are allowed, but multiple votes for one option will be ignored. Do not abuse — it takes time to resolve — time that I would like to spent otherwise.

Would you like TED Notepad to have Toolbars?
Yes! Toolbars are a must-have life-savers!85% 85%
No. Just keep it short and simple.15% 15%

Poll started on Dec 4, 2010. The results are updated manually from time to time. Please, do not vote more than once for each option. Votes for multiple options are allowed, but multiple votes for one option will be ignored. Do not abuse — it takes time to resolve — time that I would like to spent otherwise.

Site made with TED Notepad
Big "thank you" to all donations, suggestions, support, feature requests and bug reports.
Copyright (c) 2001-2021, Medvedik, Juraj Simlovic. Contact: notepadjsimlo.sk. All rights reserved.
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Design (c) 2008, Juraj Simlovic. Site made with TED Notepad.
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