Compare Strings
Control page Control:feature:Compare Strings
Compare.. (Alt+Ctrl+M)
Shows the Compare dialog, where two strings
can be inserted and compared. If two compared strings are not equal, beside a displayed message, the difference is marked by a selection within both strings.
Optionally, character case
can be ignored upon comparison thru Ignore case, all white-spaces
can be ignored thru Ignore spaces, and newline characters can be ignored thru Ignore newlines.
Note: Current selection (within the document) can be loaded as one of the comparison strings. Use the Load Selection 1 or Load Selection 2 to load selected document text as the first or second comparison string.
Tip: In Settings dialog, on the Tools page, there is Save strings from the dialog setting, which enables saving both comparison strings into the configuration. However, be aware that this may eventually result in bigger configuration file, if you put loads of text into the dialog. Also note than only about first 8 KiB are stored into the config to prevent long application initialization times.