Difference between revisions of "Command line parameters"

From TED Notepad
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{{:Command line parameter /s Set Selection}}
{{:Command line parameter /s Set Selection}}
{{:Command line parameter /a Select All}}
{{:Command line parameter /a Select All}}
{{:Command line parameter /E Goto End}}
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{{:Command line parameter /v Paste Clipboard}}
{{:Command line parameter /p Print}}
{{:Command line parameter /p Print}}
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{{:Command line parameter /b Create New File}}
{{:Command line parameter /b Create New File}}
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{{:Command line parameter /T Session on Top}}
{{:Command line parameter /H Hide to Tray}}
{{:Command line parameter /m Minimized}}
{{:Command line parameter /M Maximized}}
{{:Command line parameter /F Fullscreen}}
{{:Command line parameter /x Window X Position}}
{{:Command line parameter /y Window Y Position}}
{{:Command line parameter /w Window Width}}
{{:Command line parameter /h Window Height}}
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{{:Command line parameter /A ANSI}}
{{:Command line parameter /W UNICODE}}
{{:Command line parameter /U UTF-8}}
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{{:Command line parameter /i Config INI File}}
{{:Command line parameter /i Config INI File}}
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{{:Command line parameter //p Reset Saved Window Position}}
{{:Command line parameter //s Reset Saved Window Size}}
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{{:Command line parameter /nl Don't Load Settings}}
{{:Command line parameter /nl Don't Load Settings}}
Line 53: Line 72:
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{{:Command line parameter /u Check for Updates}}
{{:Command line parameter /u Check for Updates}}
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
{{:Command line parameter /? Manual}}

Revision as of 22:31, 6 October 2021

This section is up to date for TED Notepad version
Control page Control:feature:Command line parameters

  [ [ /l xx ] [ /c xx ] | /s p1,p2 | /a | /E ]

  [ /p ]

  [ /v ]

  [ /u ]

  [ /i path ]   [ /nl ] [ /ns ]

  [ /x xx ] [ /y yy ] [ /w ww ] [ /h hh ]

  [ /T ] [ /H ]   [ /F | /M | /m ]

  [ /b ]

  [ /? ]

  [ /A | /W | /U ]


Note: All command line parameters must precede the filename to be loaded and must be delimited with at least one white-space to work properly. Since version 6.0, white-spaces between a parameter and its value are allowed. Some of the command line parameters are exclusive to each other and should not be used together, or the result may be undefined and may change from version to version.

Since version 6.3, if an unknown command line parameter is found, an error message is displayed. Prior to version 6.3, unknown command line parameters were ignored.

/l xx Go to Line

After the file is fully loaded, moves the caret to the beginning of the line number xx. If there is no such line (too few lines in the document), the caret is positioned on the beginning of the last line of the document.

Note: Zero and negative numbers can be used as line number.

  • Zero means the last line of the document; and negative number means how many lines to go from the last line upwards, e.g. -1 means the penultimate line. Likewise to positive numbers, if there is no such line (too few lines), the caret is positioned on the beginning of the first line of the document.

This parameter can be used together with /c parameter, to further move the caret within given line.

This parameter excludes /s, /a and /E parameters.

/c xx Go to Offset

After the file is fully loaded, moves the caret to the offset xx. If there is no such offset (the document is too short), the caret is positioned to the end of the document.

Note: Zero and negative numbers can be used as offset number.

  • Zero means the end of the document, after the very last character; and negative number means how many characters to go from the end of the document upwards, e.g. -1 means before the last character. Likewise to positive numbers, if there is no such offset (the document is too short), the caret is positioned on the beginning of the document.

This parameter can be used together with /l parameter, to further move the caret within given line. If the given offset goes beyond the given line, the caret is pushed respectively further into text of the following lines, until the end of the document is reached. If zero or negative offset is given, the caret is moved naturally along previous lines, until the beginning of the document is reached. In other words, after the starting line is calculated from the /l parameter, offset calculation according to /c parameter is done relatively to the beginning of that line downwards or upwards, bound only with document boundaries.

This parameter excludes /s, /a and /E parameters.

Note: Since version 6.0, TED Notepad does not convert newlines upon loading, therefore there is no need to re-calculate offsets to match the extent of newlines conversion. However, multi-character encoding sequences still might get converted into single-character representations upon loading, e.g. in UTF-8 files.

/s xx,yy Set Selection

After the file is fully loaded, automatically sets the selection from offset number xx to offset number yy. If there is no such offset (the document is too short), the respective selection boundary is positioned to the end of the document.

Note: Zero and negative numbers can be used as offset numbers.

  • Zero means the end of the document, after the very last character; and negative number means how many characters to go from the end of the document upwards, e.g. -1 means before the last character. Likewise to positive numbers, if there is no such offset (the document is too short), the caret is positioned on the beginning of the document.

This parameter excludes /l, /c, /a and /E parameters.

/a Select All

Selects all text after the file is fully loaded.

This parameter excludes /l, /c, /s and /E parameters.

/E Go to End

After the file is fully loaded, moves the caret to the end of the document.

This parameter excludes /l, /c, /s and /a parameters.

/v Paste Clipboard

Pastes the Clipboard into the document after opening the file from the command line.

Note: Position within the document can be adjusted via /l, /c, /s, /a, or /E before the Clipboard is pasted.

/p Print

Prints the document after the file is fully loaded, then exits.

/b Create New File

Skips questions about whether to create a new file, if the file given thru command line does not exist. Without this command line parameter, TED Notepad asks, whether to create a new file, if the file to be loaded cannot be found.

/T Session on Top

Turns on Session on Top.

/H Hide to Tray

Starts with Hide to Tray.

/m Minimized

Starts with the main window minimized.

/M Maximized

Starts with the main window maximized.

/F Fullscreen

Starts in Fullscreen mode.

Note: Actually, it is Session in Fullscreen that is turned on instead of the regular Fullscreen mode, which means that the fullscreen state is never saved into Config upon exit as opposed to the regular fullscreen.

/x xx Window X Position

Starts the main window at the xx Workspace position from the left.

Note: Workspace position is Screen position with any toolbars (including the Taskbar) taken into account. Use number 0 to place the window at the left border of the Screen after any toolbars or the Taskbar on the left side.

Note: If this would result in placing the window completely off the Screen, the System should automatically adjust the coordinates to make the window visible.

See also /y and /w and /h.

/y yy Window Y Position

Starts the main window at the yy Workspace position from the top.

Note: Workspace position is Screen position with any toolbars (including the Taskbar) taken into account. Use number 0 to place the window at the top of the Screen below any toolbars or the Taskbar at the top.

Note: If this would result in placing the window completely off the Screen, the System should automatically adjust the coordinates to make the window visible.

See also /x and /w and /h.

/w ww Window Width

Starts the main window with the ww width.

See also /h and /x and /y.

/h hh Window Height

Starts the main window with the hh height.

See also /w and /x and /y.


Forces loading the file from the command line in the ANSI encoding.

Note: Any BOM, or other potential encoding markers, are simply loaded as regular ANSI characters.

TedNPad.exe /A d:\my notepad\todo.txt

See also /W for Unicode and /U for UTF-8. Command line parameter /W UNICODE

/U UTF-8

Forces loading the file from the command line in the UTF-8 encoding.

Note: Any BOM, or other potential encoding markers, are simply loaded as regular UTF-8 characters. This means that if UTF-8 BOM is present in the file, it will be loaded as the first character in the document.

TedNPad.exe /U d:\my notepad\todo.txt

See also /W for Unicode and /A for ANSI.

/i inifile Config INI File

Forces the application to use inifile file upon loading and saving Config.

Note: Hierarchical INI file loading and system Registry fallback do not apply, if this parameter is used. Loading of Config is strictly bound to this inifile.

TedNPad.exe /i "d:\config\ted notepad.ini" d:\my notepad\todo.txt

Note: If the inifile contains spaces, make sure to use double quotes. Double quotes are not needed only if the inifile contains no white-spaces.

//p Reset Saved Window Position

Resets the saved window position, if one is saved into Config via the save Window position setting on the Settings page of the Settings dialog.

Under the hood, this command line parameter first ignores any saved position in the Config, then unchecks the saving of the Window position in the Settings dialog, and finally saves special window position values into the Config upon exit, to avoid Window position being read from more global Cascading Portable INI files.

Note: The main editor window opens at position assigned by the system, and can then be used as normal, but the save Window position setting on the Settings page of the Settings dialog cannot be used to save any new Window position. Those special window position values will be written into the Config upon exit, unless the aplication is exited without saving any settings, e.g. via Exit without saving!

Note: Do not use this command line parameter with /ns, as that would prevent saving the Config upon exit, keeping the old saved window position. Unless you want to reset saved Window position only for that specific window session.

Note: Command line parameters /x and /y will still work with //p, but they will not be saved into the Config upon exit. Note that /x and /y always take precedence over any saved Window position.

Note: The double slash in this command line parameter (i.e. //p) is not a typo.

TedNPad.exe //s //p

See also //s to Reset Saved Window Size.

//s Reset Saved Window Size

Resets the saved window size, if one is saved into Config via the save Window size setting on the Settings page of the Settings dialog.

Under the hood, this command line parameter first ignores any saved size in the Config, then unchecks the saving of the Window size in the Settings dialog, and finally saves special window size values into the Config upon exit, to avoid Window size being read from more global Cascading Portable INI files.

Note: The main editor window opens with size assigned by the system, and can then be used as normal, but the save Window size setting on the Settings page of the Settings dialog cannot be used to save any new Window size. Those special window size values will be written into the Config upon exit, unless the aplication is exited without saving any settings, e.g. via Exit without saving!

Note: Do not use this command line parameter with /ns, as that would prevent saving the Config upon exit, keeping the old saved window size. Unless you want to reset saved Window size only for that specific window session.

Note: Command line parameters /w and /h will still work with //s, but they will not be saved into the Config upon exit. Note that /w and /h always take precedence over any saved Window size.

Note: The double slash in this command line parameter (i.e. //s) is not a typo.

TedNPad.exe //s //p

See also //p to Reset Saved Window Position.

/nl Don't Load Settings

Skips any attempts to load Config from system Registry or Cascading Portable INI files. Can be used to quicken the application start-up, or for any kind of troubleshooting.

TedNPad.exe /nl /ns d:\my notepad\todo.txt

/ns Don't Save Settings

Skips any attempts to save Config into system Registry or Cascading Portable INI files. Can be used to quicken the termination of the application, or for any kind of troubleshooting.

Note: The Save checked button in the Settings dialog won't work as well. See section Settings page of the Settings dialog.

TedNPad.exe /nl /ns d:\my notepad\todo.txt

/na No Lengthy Asserts

(this parameter is only available in testing versions, do not use it in public releases)

Skips lengthy storage asserts after each text operation. With small files, this is usually not necessary. However, storage assertions can become a big nuisance with larger files. This parameter allows to skip the most lengthy tests, it does not, however, disable all testing routines.

/d xx Do Command

(temporary parameter, officially unpublished, subject to change without notice)

This parameter can be used to directly auto-invoke an xx action in TED Notepad, after the application starts up and loads the file from the command line. While the xx is a number of action to invoke, list of action numbers is not available yet. However, using various tools, advanced users can perhaps find these numbers out on their own, since these action numbers are the command numbers used by the application menu and accelerators.

Caution: This parameter was a long-shot attempt to provide macro support, and was never finished. Action numbers may change silently from version to version. Behavior of this parameter may be modified silently as well.

/u Check for Updates

Instead of launching the application and opening a document, connects to the application homepage and checks for available updates. Displays a message box upon new version and allows to open the official download page.

Note: Result of the last check is also displayed in the Status Bar as a hint from time to time.

TedNPad.exe /u

/? Manual

Launches the Manual, then exits.

TedNPad.exe /?