File page

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Default encoding

The Default encoding specifies a default file encoding that should be used for new documents. Supported encodings are ANSI, both Unicodes and UTF-8.

Note: See chapter Managing documents for more informations about these file encodings, their usage, advantages and also their pitfalls.

Default newlines

The Allow UNIX/Mac newlines support specifies whether the transparent UNIX/Mac newlines support is to be available.

See chapter Managing documents for more details about transparent newlines support.

Open/Save dialog filters

The Open/Save dialog filters defines filters, that are to be used in the Open/Save dialogs as file filters. They appear in a combo-box, usually bellow the file name box. Such a filter consists of two strings separated by a Pipe character.

The first string in a filter is a name to be displayed that describes the filter (e.g. Text Files). The second one specifies the filtering pattern (e.g. *.txt). Therefore a filter for text files would look like this: Text Files or maybe even like this: Text Files (*.txt).

To specify multiple filtering patterns for a single filter, use a semicolon to separate the patterns (e.g. *.txt;*.doc;*.bak). A filtering pattern can be a combination of valid filename characters and an asterisk wildcard character. Do not include spaces in the pattern string.

Several filters are to be delimited also by a Pipe character. Therefore this Open/Save Dialog Filters value should eventually consist of pairs of strings delimited by Pipes. Each pair defines one filter: a name and its filtering pattern.

Default file extension

The Use default file extension, if missing setting specifies whether the Save As dialog should always append a default extension to a file name when no extension is specified by user. The default extension may not exceed 4 characters.

Default extension for plain-text documents is usually txt, but some users may choose to override this and use another value. E.g. Use html, if you creat more HTML documents than simple text files.