General page
Tab Size
The Tab Size value specifies the size of each tab stop. These tab stops determine, how much each Tab character will shift the following text.
Left Margin
The Left Margin value specifies the size of the left selection margin. This selection margin is a space between the text of the document and a border of the main window. Here a user can drag the mouse cursor to quickly select entire lines.
Text Limit
The Text Limit value specifies the maximum allowed length of text of a document. If this value is to be breached, text may be truncated and a warning will be given. Use this limit in order to create a top limit for your documents. If no such limit is required, leave zero in this field.
Versions note: Prior to version 4.5.2, this value could be altered any time in order to be able to edit a document of whatever size, but a specific positive value must have always been chosen. Version 4.5.2 allows to leave this field with zero value for no actual limit.
Persistent selection in Tools
The Persistent selection in Tools setting specifies whether the selection should outlast all used tools. If checked, the selection will be updated to re-cover the results of any used tool. Otherwise, the selection will be discarded and the caret will be placed at the end of such results (exactly as if the results of that tool were pasted to the document using a clipboard).
Note: For some tools (e.g. Indent selection with Tabs or Quote Mail) the selection always persits, because these tools are ment to be used several times in sequence on the same selection.
Tip: Such a setting may become useful especially, when you need to perform several tools in sequence on the same text. Imagine that you need to use Unique Lines tool and then additional Sort on the uniqued lines. When this setting is enabled, the selection will automatically cover the results of the first tool, thus you may use the second tool without need to re-select the text.
Auto-indent text
The Auto-indent text setting specifies, whether an auto-indentation mode is to be used. When turned on, each time a new line is being started (using the Enter key), Smart Return feature (hotkey Ctrl+Enter) is used instead. The Smart Return starts a new line as usual, but also copies all initial white-spaces
from the previous line to the new line to reach the current text indentation. See chapter Edit menu for details.
Insert Spaces instead of Tab
The Insert Spaces instead of Tab setting specifies, whether to use a Tab character when a Tab key is pressed, or whether to insert Spaces instead. The number of Spaces inserted depends on the actual position of the caret on the line and also on the Tab Size setting.
Note: While using a fixed-width font, the resulting white space of inserted Spaces should be the same, as if a real Tab was inserted. This, however, does not always work with proportional fonts. In proportional fonts, size of a Space character often differ from a base character width. Therefore, there may be a difference between a real Tab size and a spaced Tab size. This feature is primarily meant for fixed-width fonts only.
Include underscores within words
The Include underscores within words setting specifies whether an Underscore character should be included within the definition of the word letters
. This definition is used when working with words, like Select Word or Complete Word features do.
Note: Other characters, those that are not included within the word letters
are furthermore divided into two groups: white-spaces
and word delimiters
. All word-oriented features of TED Notepad (e.g. Select Word) usually treat all white-spaces as one delimiting character. In other words, Select Word selects either a word or all consecutive white-spaces or a single word delimiter otherwise.
Line numbers unwrapped
The Line numbers from unwrapped lines setting specifies whether the lines of a document are to be counted according to the actual word wrapping or not. Turn this setting on to count the lines unwrapped, even while they are being word wrapped.
The number of the actual line is displayed in the Status Bar and may be used, for example, in the [[Control:Button:Go to Line:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] feature.
Warning: Re-calculating of unwrapped lines is not a well-supported operation by the standard Windows edit box. It may noticeably slow down the system performance, when used with longer documents! With a very long document, the application may even stop responding. It may take a long time then to open the Settings dialog to turn this setting off. Use this setting with caution.
Complete Word dialog sorted
The Complete Word dialog sorted setting specifies whether the Complete Word dialog items are to be sorted alphabetically, or shown according to their preceding order in the document. See chapter Edit menu for more details about the Complete Word feature.
Exit by Esc
The Exit by Esc setting enables or disables the Esc and Shift+Esc hotkeys.
Full path in caption
The Full path in caption setting enables to display the full document path (including drive letter and directory path) in the caption of the main window, instead of the simple document name.
Recently opened files
The Recently opened files setting specifies whether the Recent Files menu is to be active. The Recently opened files are always maintained, but they are saved upon Exit only when this setting is turned on.
Note: To save Recent Files succesfully, no /ns command line parameter, nor the Exit without saving! may take their place. See chapters Command line parameters and File menu.
The [[Control:Button:Empty:{{{2}}}|{{{2}}}]] button below the Recently opened files empties the list of the Recently opened files.
Fixed-width Font, Proportional Font
The Fixed-width Font specifies whether the default system fixed-width font is to be used as a fixed-width font or a custom user's font. Use the Primary font button to choose this custom user's font.
The Proportional Font specifies whether a default system font is to be used as a proportional font or a custom user's font. Use the Secondary font button to choose this custom user's font.