Filters page

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Control page Control:dialog:Settings:Filters

The Filters allows to manage, add, remove or edit Text Filters. See Text Filters for further details.

The New button allows to add new entry into the list of Text Filters, the Edit button allows to modify any entry within the list and the Delete removes selected entry from the list. Use the Up and Down buttons to move individual entries within the list and thus within the Text Filters menu.

Note: The New and Edit buttons invoke the Settings:Filters:Filter definition dialog, which is described in chapter about Text Filters. See Text Filters for further details.

Note: All changes to the list of Text Filters must be confirmed by confirming the Settings dialog. If the Settings dialog is cancelled, any recent changes to the list of Text Filters are discarded.

Settings:Filters:Filter dialog

The Name ###########

The Command ###########

The Description ###########

The Skip launch dialog ###########

The Push input ###########

The Capture output ###########

The Mix stdout/stderr ###########

The Display as message ###########

The UTF-8 ###########

The Ignore return code ###########

The But wait until finished ###########

The Exit when done ###########

The Without saving ###########