Filters page

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Revision as of 13:51, 9 October 2013 by Jsimlo (talk | contribs)
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Control page Control:dialog:Settings:Filters

The Filters allows to manage, add, remove or edit Text Filters. See Text Filters for further details.

The New button allows to add new entry into the list of Text Filters, the Edit button allows to modify any entry within the list and the Delete removes selected entry from the list. Use the Up and Down buttons to move individual entries within the list and thus within the Text Filters menu.

Note: The New and Edit buttons invoke the Settings:Filters:Filter definition dialog, which is described below. Note: See Text Filters as well for further details about filters.

Note: All changes to the list of Text Filters must be confirmed by confirming the Settings dialog. If the Settings dialog is cancelled, any recent changes to the list of Text Filters are discarded.

Settings:Filters:Filter dialog fields and options

The Name is the name of the filter, as it appears in the Text Filters menu roster.

The Command contains the command to be executed upon filter invocation. Variables in this command are replaced by actual values.

The Description contains description of the command shown upon filter invocation. It should contain filter documentation and other relevant information, available arguments and expected variables, etc.

The Skip launch dialog option tells that the filter needs no user input upon invocation and should be launched directly.

Note: If the command contains any variables, they are populated with empty strings.

The Push input option tells to populate the input of the filter with text selected upon such invocation.

Note: This is default behaviour for most text-processing filters. However, filters which process filenames rather than selections or receive the selection as an argument often do not read the input.

The Capture output option tells to retrieve the output of the filter and use it to replace the selection or display it as a message.

Note: This is default behaviour for most text-processing filters. However, filters which process filenames rather than selections often do not produce any relevant output at all.

The Mix stdout/stderr option tells to mix standard output and error output of the filter together. By default, standard output is used to replace the selection and error output for displaying messages upon filter errors and failures. However, some filters may use standard and error output in a different fashion and the user may need to mix these two together into one stream.

Note: The mixing is done directly on the system level, by using the same pipe for both output ends, thus the mixed output resembles the original chronological order. However, some programming languages (e.g. Java) might buffer the outputs separatelly before flushing to the system pipes, thus potentially re-ordering the text. Such problem has to be dealt with within such languages.

The Display as message option tells to display the results as a message instead of replacing the current selection with it.

The UTF-8 ###########

The Ignore return code ###########

The But wait until finished ###########

The Exit when done ###########

The Without saving ###########

This section is incomplete and wants to be finished later.
TODO: add description